Obama Gas Stations Pumping Free Gas In Poor Neighborhoods- Fiction!

Obama Gas Stations Pumping Free Gas In Poor Neighborhoods- Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:
Is it true that President Obama is opening up a series of Obama gas stations in poor neighborhoods to hand out free fuel for minorities and the poor?
The Truth:
This is another round of political satire that appeared as an article on October 29, 2013.  by the Daily Currant.   It is a joke and should not be taken seriously.
On the about page of the Daily Currant they state that they are “an English language online satirical newspaper.”

TruthOrFiction.com did find a report that some gas stations had been redecorated with President Obama’s, name campaign logo and image.
This according to a May 16, 2011 article by WCSC, a CBS affiliate in Charleston, South Carolina.   These stations are in the business of selling gasoline and automotive services,  They are not affiliated with the Obama Administration, nor are they giving gasoline away to poor people.

Posted 11/06/13   Updated 11/26/13