Muslim Owner of Texaco In Bogalusa, LA Refuses to Serve Member of Military-Fiction!

Muslim Owner of Texaco In Bogalusa, LA Refuses to Serve Member of Military-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:

This is a forwarded email with a link to a YouTube video that shows a group of people protesting at a Texaco gas station in Bogalusa, Louisiana.  The narrator of the video alleged that the owner, a Muslim, refused to serve a uniformed member of the U.S. Military and this video gone viral on the Internet.  The narrator does not hold back on his language and his video is full of slurs against Muslims.

The Truth:

The protest took place on June 7,2012 over what the owner claims to be a misunderstanding, according to an article written that day in the Bogalusa Daily News.   The local paper said that the protest began after a Facebook message went viral from text forwarded from “a woman who sent a mobile phone message claiming that her husband was in line at the store and heard a uniformed member of the National Guard told ‘We don’t serve your kind.'”   Click here for Bogalusa Daily News story.

The article also stated that the owner, an East Indian immigrant named Savi, “said she has never refused to serve anyone unless they did not have proper identification for a controlled item.”
At the time of our investigation, no members of the military have yet to come forward claiming discrimination of any kind from the Texaco truck stop.
A remote news crew from local WSDU-TV was on scene to report on the settlement between the protesters and the Texaco station. The owner issued a public apology over the misunderstanding.

WDSU TV report found on YouTube

updated 07/16/12