Letter to Coke over America the Beautiful-Unproven!

Letter to Coke over America the Beautiful-Unproven!

Summary of eRumor:

During the 2014 Super Bowl, Coca Cola ran an ad of a multi-language and multi-cultural rendition of America the Beautiful.   Many viewers disapproved and this is a forwarded email that contains a conversation between a person at Coca Cola and a viewer.

The Truth:

TruthOrFiction.Com has not been able to find the source of this eRumor.

There are some versions of this that say it is an answer to a response from a letter sent to Coca Cola from Barbara Gilbert.  

We believe this to have possibly originated from messages posted on a social media page such as Facebook.

TruthOrFiction.Com will continue to look into this and post findings here when we get them.

Click Image to view Coke’s Super Bowl ad


Posted 02/24/14