Heather Levia Said She was Fired From McDonalds After Buying Meals for Firefighters-Truth!

Heather Levia Said She was Fired From McDonalds After Buying Meals for Firefighters-Truth!

Summary of eRumor:
A Facebook post has caught the attention of the national media and it is trending like wild fire on the Internet.   An upstate New York McDonalds got a call for a food donation from local firefighters who were battling a nearby fire.  When the company denied their request employee Heather Levia and two other employees bought the meals for the first responders. Levia was fired by McDonalds.
The Truth:
Heather Levia, 23 did pay for the responders meals and was terminated Friday February 14, 2014, after eight years at the Olean McDonalds.  This according to a February 20, 2014 article by the Olean Times Herald in upstate New York, that said,  “Ms. Levia said she was fired on the grounds of going against the company’s wishes about the food donation and swearing at a supervisor — a claim she says isn’t true.”
The article said Levia  purchased breakfast foods for the firefighters while she was working her shift on February 12 who were putting out a  blaze on North Ninth Street.  The article went on to say that money for the breakfast sandwiches and hash browns was also donated by two co-workers, who were later reimbursed by the company.
The Times Herald also reported that Ms. Levia is also employed as “a nurse’s aide at The Pines Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Olean,” and also said that she has received some offers of employment from local area businesses.   Her story caught national attention and she has had numerous requests from national news outlets for interviews.

Posted 02/21/14