President Obama Declared November National Muslim Appreciation Month-Fiction! & Satire!

President Obama Declared November National Muslim Appreciation Month-Fiction! & Satire!

Summary of eRumor:

This is a forwarded email or a Facebook post of an article that alleged that November has been set aside by President Obama to celebrate National Muslim Appreciation.

The Truth:
The article was found to be posted on September 27, 2013 by a website called, “The National Report.” This is a political satire site and nothing posted there should be considered serious or valid.
The website recently reported that President Obama had a mental breakdown and was under medical care at the White House.   That was a joke as well.
Other whoppers headlined by this site are:

Obamacare Leaks Personal Information Of Its Applicants
Obama Uses Own Money To Open Muslim Museum Amid Government Shutdown
D.C. Man Dies After Lighting Himself On Fire Proving Obamacare Doesn’t Work
The Xenu Report: NYC Mayor Bloomberg to Ban Buffets
Jesus Christ Boycotts Hobby Lobby

Posted 9/28/13  updated 10/07/13

Related eRumors:
President Obama Reported Sedated After Emotional Breakdown