Harley-Davidson Dealer's Special Thanks to Military Members-Truth!

Harley-Davidson Dealer’s Special Thanks to Military Members-Truth!

Summary of eRumor:

This is a photograph of a letter from C. Dennis Packee of Reiman’s Harley-Davidson in Kewanee, Ill., to Christopher and Jamie Walters. The letter explains that Reiman’s will store the Walters’ motorcycles at no charge. It is their way of saying thank you to military members on deployment. 

The Truth:

The TruthOrFiction.com Team spoke to Mr. Packee, and he confirmed that the eRumor is true.

He told us that this was his special thanks for military members, and that he was surprised to hear that the letter had gone viral on social media.

Packee added that this has been a policy at Reiman’s Harley-Davidson since the attack on America on September 11, 2001.

Posted 07/02/14