The Man Who Owed Zero and Had to Pay Zero to Correct His Bill-Unproven!

The Man Who Owed Zero and Had to Pay Zero to Correct His BillUnproven!



Summary of eRumor:

The story of a man who allegedly kept being billed $0.00 by a credit card company.  He finally decided to send a check for $0.00.  His bank called and asked why he wrote such a check and that it had caused all their computer software to crash.  Then the credit card company told him his check had bounced.  The story closes by saying that the man had planned on buying his wife a computer, but he bought her a typewriter instead.

The Truth:

This absurd story is a piece of creative fiction on someone’s part. 

We’re being generous to class it as unproven, but we’ll leave it that way for a while.

No evidence that it ever really happened and the scenarios in the story are not credible.