CEO Doesn’t Want Black People Wearing Timberland Boots – Fiction!

CEO Doesn’t Want Black People Wearing Timberland Boots – Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:
The CEO of Timberland said he would “rather not see blacks and Latinos” wearing his company’s boots.
The Truth:

A fake news website site started this false eRumor.

The story first appeared on the website and quickly circulated social media. According to the story:

“Timberland new appointed CEO lost it at a earnings press conference and revealed that he’d rather not see blacks and Latinos in his boots in the summer time admitting that it’s just tacky to wear boots in the summer. ‘They’re work boots, but let’s be honest. They’ don’t like to work,’ said Timberland’s new appointment in a shocking reveal during a press conference.”

The website’s disclaimer says its stories are “completely fictional.”