‘Ending White Privilege Intersects Ending Jewish Privilege’ Flyer
An image getting passed around as evidence of left-wing anti-Semitism actually appears to have originated in a forum notorious for far-right content.
An image getting passed around as evidence of left-wing anti-Semitism actually appears to have originated in a forum notorious for far-right content.
Different variations of “arbeit macht frei” were spotted online amid the spate of demonstrations.
Users on a 4chan thread traded ideas on spreading memes to “make the Left have to choose.”
A quote attributed to an evangelical leader actually originated with a Holocaust denier.
Conspiracy-thirsty blogs and social media users attempted to undermine the lawmaker’s criticism of Donald Trump.
The billionaire is a familiar — and easy — target for right-wing, antisemitic disinformation.
Leaflets distributed outside a local synagogue were condemned both locally and internationally.