Can You Get Coronavirus from Products?
As fears of coronavirus spread on social media, so too did warnings about contracting it from products.
As fears of coronavirus spread on social media, so too did warnings about contracting it from products.
In June 2019, a number of websites and news outlets reported that a young girl in China was treated for symptoms related to the discovery of “hundreds” of undigested boba pearls in her digestive tract via x-ray. Notably, headlines for the story often indicated that elements of it were mostly likely unedited and unvetted: Doctor …
Does an X-Ray Show Hundreds of Undigested Boba Pearls in a Young Chinese Patient? Read More »
In January 2019, 9Gag shared a post titled “Barber Mistakenly Shaves A Play Button Into Client’s Hair After Being Shown A Paused Video.” It was light on details and included several amusing images: 9Gag had very little to say about the circumstance purportedly shown in the photographs and didn’t include any links to substantiate its …
In November 2018, a scientist from China named He Jankui appeared to have ushered in a new era in humanity — and re-ignited an already heated international conversation about the ethics of editing genes to make “designer babies” — by announcing that he had successfully used gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to modify the DNA of two embryos before birth: …
Has a Scientist Who Claimed He Created the First ‘Gene-Edited Babies’ Disappeared? Read More »
New drug-resistant, hypervirulent strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae are real and very dangerous — but those threats have been taken out of context by scammers trying to sell cures that don’t appear to exist.
Child miners being forced to work in African cobalt mines is a huge issue, but the idea that electric cars are solely to blame is very misleading.