Teen Escapes Death After Hospital Video Captures Images of What the Family Believes Was an Angel-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
A forwarded email about the story of how a little girl at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina miraculously recovered from cancer after an angel was seen on a video surveillance monitor.
The Truth:
According to a Today Show story posted on the MSNBC on December 23, 2008, this happened in September 2008 but some of the facts in the eRumor are wrong.
Fourteen year old Chelsea Barton was born five weeks prematurely which resulted in developmental disabilities and serious health problems all her life. She was connected to life support at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina for pneumonia and the doctors had told her mother, Colleen Barton, that there was no hope for young Chelsea’s recovery.

14 year old Chelsea Barton at Presbyterian Hospital
The Barton family gathered one last time in Chelsea’s hospital room to say their goodbyes and the order was giving to disconnect her from the life support system and “just let nature take its course.”
According to the MSNBC Story, it appeared that Chelsea had another visitor just after the life support was disconnected. “As her mother waited for the girl to take her last breath, an image of bright light appeared on a security monitor. Within an hour, the dying girl began a recovery that doctors are at a loss to explain.”

Photo of strange light in the form of an angel from Colleen Barton’s cell phone
Colleen Barton and other workers noticed an image of an angel in light on the security surveillance monitor near the hospital room door and Barton managed to capture the image with her cell phone camera. Barton told MSNBC that at first she thought that it was the angel of death coming to take her daughter but shortly afterwards Chelsea Barton started showing signs of improvement.
According to the story, “It would be another two months before Chelsea finally left the hospital to return home, where she is about to celebrate her 15th birthday as well as Christmas. Her mother is convinced that Chelsea was saved by divine intervention.”
Click here for MSNBC story with video
updated 12/26/08