Rich Buhler & Staff

Rich Buhler is the founder of TruthorFiction and was a broadcaster, speaker, author, broadcast journalist, and producer who researched and wrote about rumors and urban legends for more than 30 years. Because of both his knowledge about what he terms “eRumors” and his broadcast background, Rich was a popular guest on radio and television and has appeared on national and international outlets including on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Fox News, BBC, CBC, as well as local television and radio stations from Maryland to California. He has also either written, or been featured in, numerous newspaper and magazine articles. Rich operated until his death from pancreatic cancer in May of 2012, his family wrote and operated on his behalf until late 2018 and are still owners of the site.

Wall separating the United States from Mexico, showing graffiti from the Tijuana side.

United States President Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech

On the evening of January 8, 2019, United States President Donald Trump addressed the nation from the Oval Office on the topic of immigration and what he calls a humanitarian and national security crisis on the country’s southern border as a shutdown over wall funds continue. We have compiled a list of claims made by …

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Identifying Fake News Series: Fake News Generators

For the last several years, we have been hearing about foreign governments subverting United States elections using sophisticated teams that create fake stories and circulate them on social media. While foreign governments and large teams are most certainly a major source of disinformation, there are also tools available online that make it easy for anyone …

Identifying Fake News Series: Fake News Generators Read More »