Rep. Ateesha Nubbins Introduces Bill Banning Voters Over 60-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
U.S. Rep. Ateesha Nubbins, a Democrat from Delaware, introduced legislation that would place an upper age limit on voting rights, banning voters older than 60.
The Truth:
There’s no Democratic representative named Ateesha Nubbins. There’s also no bill that would place an upper age limit on voting rights, banning voters older than 60.
Those rumors started with a meme that appeared at the website America’s Last Line of Defense. The website identifies its content as “satirical,” but readers are often mislead into believing the stories are true when taken out of context on social media.

Again, there’s no representative named Ateesha Nubbins. U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester represents the state. And she did not introduce HB 814b, the bill supposedly banning voters older than 60. The woman who appears in the meme is named Laurie Robinson-Haden, and she’s the senior vice president and assistant general counsel at CBS.
Given all that, it’s easy to call this one “fiction.”