Barbara Boxer Flipped Off Bernie Sanders Supporters-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Senator Barbara Boxer flipped off Bernie Sanders Supporters at the Democratic Nevada Convention as she exited the stage to a chorus of boos.
The Truth:
Video footage does not show Barbara Boxer flipping the middle finger to Bernie Sanders supporters — but she can be seen blowing kisses and wagging a finger at them.
Rumors about how Barbara Boxer exited the stage at the Democratic Nevada Convention blew up after the senator said she feared for her safety and that “it was a scary situation” because of Bernie Sanders supporters protesting that the convention had closed too early and Hillary Clinton had been awarded too many delegates.
Video showing Barbara Boxer exiting the stage at the Democratic Nevada Convention shows her blowing kisses and pointing her index finger at Bernie Sanders supporters shouting and booing nearby:
Rumors that Barbara Boxer had flipped off Bernie Sanders supporters and then supposedly lied about fearing for her safety went viral after this picture began making the rounds online:
However, zooming in on the photo makes it clear that Barbara Boxer is wagging her index finger at Bernie Sanders supporters, not a middle finger. She clearly has three fingers (including the middle finger) pressed firmly down:
So, because there are no videos or photos showing Barbara Boxer flipping off Bernie Sanders supporters, we’re calling this one fiction.