A Complaint Has Been Filed Against You With The Better Business Bureau-Fiction! & Scam!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a very official looking email email that appears to come from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and says that a case has been filed against you or your company. Other emails appear to have been sent by the BBB to inform the readers that they have been reviewed by a customer.
The Truth:
These are scams from tricksters who may either be after personal information or attempting to infect computers with malware.
The scams appears to have gone viral during the weekend of September 21, 2012 and our TruthorFiction Team received several of these emails at our various email addresses. We have included samples below of what we found in our in baskets.
To help identify this scam we circled in red the email address of the sender and the complaint number that contains an imbedded link.
The sender’s address is not from the Better Business Bureau. Also, the link on the case number in the body of the email takes the reader of a website in Spain, not the BBB.ORG site of the Better Business Bureau.
Moments after posting this we got another email saying that someone had posted a review of our company. That, too, was determined to a scam after we discovered the text imbedded links were different from the ones that appeared in the email. This is a very cleaver trick to redirect readers elsewhere in order to infect computers.
updated 09/24/12