Your credit card has been used on the BestBuy website-Fiction!

Your Credit Card Has Been Used in a Suspicious Transaction at the BestBuy WebsiteFiction! 

Summary of eRumor:

This is a verification request said to be from the BestBuy website.  It claims that your credit card has been used in a suspicious transaction.  You are asked to visit their website to confirm the transaction.

The Truth:

The notification if false.

It’s a procedure called “Phishing” on the Internet.  The notice is not from the BestBuy organization and the link in the email does not take you to any official BestBuy site.

There are similar emails claiming to be from other institutions such as Citibank.

Phishing is an attempt on the part of scammers to trick you into going to their website by telling you that you are either going to lose your credit privileges or there has been fraudulent use of your credit card.

If you respond to the link provided, it asks you to confirm your information including your credit card data.

It is a scam that is designed to trick you into given personal and financial information to people who will misuse it and, perhaps, steal your identity. has issued an alert to its customers warning that the email did not come from them and seeks to get your credit card and Social Security numbers.

Last updated 8/23/03