Parking attendant at British zoo takes off with the funds- Fiction! Possible Aprils Fool Joke!
Summary of eRumor:
A story about an unknown man who worked at the Bristol Zoo in England for 25 years as a parking attendant. One day he stopped showing up to work and the zoo administration called the Bristol town council to hire a replacement. The town council told the zoo that they never hired a parking attendant in the first place and it turned out that this person was not an employee of either the zoo or the city. Calculating the costs the zoo figured this person took off with close £4 million and is probably enjoying a very expensive retirement in Spain.
The Truth:
This story is a myth, according a notice posted on “This is Bristol,” a visitor information website in the United Kingdom. Click here for This is Bristol UK site.
The story began circulating around early April and it is believed that this is just an April Fools joke that exploded on the world wide web.
updated 06/17/09