Make big money by purchasing and distributing "reports" at home-Fiction!

Purchase $25 Worth of “Reports” and Become a Millionaire Through a Multi-Level Marketing BusinessFiction!

Summary of eRumor:
This very long email promises that if you follow the instructions, you’ll be making big money.  You are to send $5 to each of the 5 names on a list and receive five “reports” that you will, in turn, be duplicating and sending to all the people who send you $5. You also send to them the same instructions, except that you replace one of the names on the list with yours.  The email includes references to several people who claim to have received large sums of money.  There are also assurances that the procedure is legal.  It claims to have been featured on a national television program and suggests checking with the Federal Trade Commission for verification.
The Truth:
No matter how much it claims otherwise, this is a classic chain letter and if, as is suggested, you send and expect to receive anything of value through the U.S. Mail, such as $25, it’s illegal.  You could be in violation of Federal Law. Chain letters have been around for a long time, and have been illegal for a long time.  Originally, they merely asked for money and suggested you send money to others on the list.  Some people mistakenly (or fraudulently) say that if you are “selling” something, like the “reports” in this particular eRumor, it is not an illegal chain letter.  According to the Federal Trade Commission, chain letters that involve money or valuable items and promise big returns are illegal. If you start one or send one on, you could be breaking the law.
Additionally, this not an example of legitimate multi-level marketing.  It’s merely a masquerade.  Multi-level-marketing can be a productive way for a person to participate in a business opportunity without a big investment.  The best multi-level options are from respected companies that have developed a good reputation, are not asking for a large financial investment to get into the company, and are legitimately marketing products.  Be wary of any that ask you for a large amount of money up-front, who seem to be encouraging you to make money by recruiting other people to give a large amount of money up-front, and who will not give you back whatever money you have paid if you want to pull-out.
See’s special focus on Chain Letters
For more information:
The Federal Trade Commission