Chase Bank Employee LBGT Loyalty Survey-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email from the American Family Association (AFA) alleging that employees at J.P. Morgan Chase Bank were given a survey asking if they were members of or considered themselves allied with the Lesbian Bi-sexual Gay Transgendered Community (LBGT).
The Truth:
The “action alert” by AFA is real, but a spokesperson for Chase told the team that the survey was not a “LBGT loyalty test.”
The Chase spokesperson told us that there was an employee satisfaction survey, which was not mandatory for company personnel to complete. The results of the survey were totally anonymous, not tied into to the numbers of the employees, and they were at liberty to answer or not answer any question in the survey. The spokesperson also said that the questions dealing with sexuality were only for internal demographic purposes.
News of the Chase employee survey was reported in a July 8,2014, article by Breitbart. The article said that an unnamed Chase employee who received the survey contacted Professor Robert George of Princeton University. George is also the founder of National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and arranged for Breitbart to interview the anonymous whistleblower. He told Breitbart that when he got the survey asking if employees considered themselves an ally of the LGBT community he felt angered and frustrated.
The Chase employee said, “When your company is asking you if you are an ally of this community, it’s not like they are asking you if you like the Cleveland Browns. It makes you wonder what could happen. They are asking this for some reason. It will compel someone to do something. I am afraid I could lose my job or have it used to stack the deck against me.”
The Washington Times also picked up the story and said the tipster feared that answering “no” in the survey might “open him up to charges of discrimination that could negatively impact his employment.”
The tipster believed that the survey was not anonymous because in order to complete the online survey an employee number needed to be typed in to gain access.