The Story of the Woman in Maine Who Was Drugged and Raped by a Stranger Who Was HIV-Positive–Unproven!
Summary of eRumor:
A first-person account of a woman in Maine who stayed up late one night at her sister’s apartment building drinking and socializing with neighbors. She awoke the next day feeling ill and with vague memories from the night before that included being in a unfamiliar apartment with someone she did not know. Later, her sister told her she had been seen leaving the party with a man who is HIV-positive. The woman then went to a doctor who told her she had been drugged. Tests showed no sexually transmitted diseases or HIV, but she is having continued HIV testing and warns other women to be cautious.
The Truth:
There is no way of confirming whether this is a true story since whoever wrote it avoided any information that would give it validity. The point of the story is a good one, however, since there have been cases of women drugged and raped.