Security Compromise at Ebay Resulted in Requests to Change Passwords-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
News of a security compromise at Ebay has gone viral on the Web. Is it true that the online auction site is requesting that all members change their passwords?
The Truth:
The compromise was real, according to a statement posted on the Ebay website. Click here for statement.
According to a May 21, 2014, article by Reuters, Ebay has asked 145 million account holders to change their passwords after the company discovered a cyber attack that allegedly hacked into their system three months ago. The article said “unknown hackers stole email addresses, encrypted passwords, birth dates, mailing addresses and other information in an attack carried out between late February and early March. The files did not contain financial information.”
This news could be a shock to the average computer user, so CNET, a website that reports on consumer technology, put up a resource on its site with instructions on how to change an Ebay password. Click here for “How to change your eBay password.”
It is a good practice to change passwords to accounts that contain financial information, such as credit card numbers and social security numbers.
Posted 05/22/14