“Evilstick” Toy Wand Hides Demonic Image – Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
A Dollar Store toy princess wand called the “Evilstick” hides an image of a “demonic” girl holding a knife to her wrist.
The Truth:
It’s true that this image was found inside a number of toy princess wands.
The image was first uncovered by a mother who bought the Evilstick for her daughter at a Dollar Store in Dayton, Ohio, a Cox Media affiliate reports. The image was hidden behind a piece of foil that covered the center of the flower-shaped princess wand.
According to the Dayton Daily News:
“The toy, called Evilstick and packaged in cheerful colors, promises ‘The luster of beauty’ and ‘Wonderful music,’ but a small pink button on the flower-shaped wand activates flashing lights and witch-like cackles.
“Behind the mirror foil is the image of the girl. Red eyes, fangs, and blood are photoshopped onto the picture.”
The owner of the store said the toy might have been a leftover Halloween toy, but it was located near “dolls, tiaras and other girly toys,” the Dayton Daily News reports.
Matt Clark, a resident of Dayton, purchased an Evilstick from the Dollar Store and posted a video of it on YouTube. Clark said a range or images were hidden inside the princess wands he found at the store, including anime cartoon characters and cartoon zombies. Just one of the toys Clark found had the infamous “demon girl” image hidden inside
A Dollar Store clerk told TruthorFiction.com that the Evilstick is no longer in stock, which isn’t a surprise. Despite the toy’s original $1 retail price, it now sells for more than $50 on Ebay. The image has also been made into buttons and printed onto t-shirts that can be purchased online.