The Fuji Film company is distributing an official map to its customers that does not have Israel on it –Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
The message says that the Fuji (film) company has been distributing a world map that does not include Israel. The implication being that the company is either taking a position against the existence of Israel or releasing a map that will favor anti-Israel customers. It talks about a boycott of Fuji products to protest the map.
The Truth:
Apparently such a map does exist, but has not found any evidence that it was created or distributed by the Fujifilm company.
Fujifilm has released a statement saying that the map appeared on a calendar that was printed by a company in the Ivory Cost and that Fuji’s logo was used without permission. The statement says that as soon as Fujifilm learned of the calendar, steps were taken to stop distribution of it. They called the calendar “unacceptable.”