Hillary Clinton Met with Manchester Bomber’s Father-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A photo claims to show Hillary Clinton meeting with Ramadan Abedi, the father of a terrorist who attacked an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, in May 2017.
The Truth:
A 2012 photo of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf has been misidentified as a photo of Clinton shaking hands with the father of the Manchester bomber.
Rumors that Hillary Clinton met with the father of the Manchester bomber spread across social media and fringe website in late May 2017. It’s not clear exactly where the rumor started, but a widely circulated meme was watermarked o4A.org, which is the website of “Overpasses for America,” an activist group that routinely targets Democratic lawmakers.

Using a reverse Google image search, we found that the man shaking Hillary Clinton’s hand in the photo is Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf, not the Manchester bomber’s father. The two met in September 2012 at a United Nations conference on political and security risks in North Africa.
Aside from the misidentified photo, there hasn’t been any evidence brought forward suggesting that Hillary Clinton met with the Manchester bomber’s father, Ramadan Abedi, who was arrested days after the attack on an Ariana Grande concert that killed 22 people and injured more than 50.