Eighteen Year Old Jeff Has Cancer, Forwarded Emails Will Help Pay His Expenses-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Jeff deLeon has lung cancer from second hand smoke as well as a tumor from being beaten. The doctors say he’ll die without medical care, but his family can’t pay for it, so Make A Wish foundation will donate seven cents for every email that is forwarded on his behalf.
The Truth:
This is a hoax. There is no evidence of a Jeff deLeon of this description and the Make-A-Wish foundation says they do not participate in these kinds of appeals. They specialize in granting the wishes of terminally ill children. Also, there is no way for any organization to know whether you have forwarded emails to others or how many. Also, the closing guilt-trip to people who don’t forward it is common in other, similar hoaxes of dying or sick children who are asking for emails to be forwarded on their behalf.