Letter from Mark, the Director of Facebook: Facebook to Begin Charging- Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A letter from Mark, the director of Facebook, informs the social media platform’s users that Facebook will begin charging.
The Truth:
The so-called “letter from Mark, the director of Facebook,” is a hoax about Facebook charging that’s based on a number of earlier hoaxes.
Every so often, rumors about Facebook charging users crop up. We covered a previous version that claimed Facebook would begin charging unless users turned their wall icons blue in 2016. And the earliest versions of the hoax claim that Facebook users will be charged $24.13 per month dates back to 2011.
A newer version that surfaced in December 2017 informed readers in a letter from Mark, the director of Facebook, (presumably Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg) again incorrectly claimed that Facebook would begin charging. That version is very similar to an earlier hoax letter from Carlos, the director Facebook. A Facebook rep explained on a message board that it was a scam. “Spammers and scammers sometimes create phony emails or posts that look like they’re from Facebook,” the message reads.
Facebook encourages users to report scam messages about Facebook charging. Also, Facebook has said it has no plans to begin charging, and that it would never communicate major policy changes like this one via word-of-mouth.