Lisa’s Diary: The Inner Thoughts of a Rejected Girl who Committed Suicide–Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Lisa is a girl who has been told she is ugly, been dumped by boys whom she liked, and bullied by other girls. This eRumor is said to have been written by her mother, Miranda Gonzelez, and includes excerpts from Lisa’s diary. After a series of painful losses, she is said to have committed suicide. The email closes with an appeal from her mother for people to love and hug one another and to not make fun of anyone.
The Truth:
There has never been any record found of a girl named Lisa in Michigan who committed suicide and whose mother was Miranda Gonzelez. Most researchers view the story as an example of a fictional story that has been created by someone who would like to make a point.
For what it’s worth, the diary refers to November 11, 1999 as a Saturday, but it was a Thursday.