Unlocking car doors from phone to phone?-Fiction!

Unlock Your Car Doors Using your Remote From one Phone to AnotherFiction!

Summary of eRumor:

A suggestion that if you are locked out of your car and don’t have an “Onstar” type system in your car, just call home and have someone use the wireless remote over the phone to your cell phone, and it’ll work.

The Truth:

Onstar says no way.
(One version of the eRumor says this only works on Onstar systems.)
Onstar users, of course, can have their door locks opened remotely by calling Onstar.
But that’s because of the cell phone connection that Onstar has with the system in the car.
The wireless remotes that you use to open your doors are radio transmitters and will only work if you’re using the transmitter in the vicinity of the car itself.

Last updated 4/2/05