Maxine Waters: I March Because My Mother Couldn't Have an Abortion-Unproven!

Maxine Waters: I March Because My Mother Couldn’t Have an Abortion-Unproven! 

Summary of eRumor:
Congresswoman Maxine Waters once said “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
The Truth:
We couldn’t find any record of Congresswoman Maxine Waters saying “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
The quote has been circulating the web since at least February 2001, and no official citation has ever been provided. Maxine Water’s quote on marching for abortion appears to have originated at a website that allows users to plug in inspirational or famous quotes and generate a picture to be printed or shared. These sites don’t require any attribution for quotes, and we couldn’t find any examples of when it had actually been provided.
The closest thing we could find to attribution for Maxine Waters quote on marching for abortion was posted at a discussion forum hosted by the Global Catholic Network in April 2004:

Maxine Waters on Abortion
The only source for Congressman Maxine Waters’ quote on marching for abortion doesn’t match its timeline.

However, the user’s claim that Maxine Waters said “I march because my mother could not have an abortion” at the March For Women’s Lives event held in Washington, D.C, doesn’t appear to check out. The March for Women’s Lives was held in April 2004, and Waters’ quote was already in circulation at least three years before the event.
In the end, we couldn’t find any record of Maxine Waters saying, “I march because my mother could not have an abortion.” We’re calling this one “unproven.”