Pray for two-year-old cancer victim Michael Novenche-Truth!

Pray for Two Year Old Cancer Victim Michael Novenche-



Summary of eRumor: 
This is a prayer request for 2 year old Michael Novenche from New York.  The email says he’s got a brain tumor, underwent surgery, but only a portion of the tumor was removed and he is now going through chemotherapy.  

The Truth:

(01/16/02) The family of little Michael requests fresh prayer.  He is going for an emergency MRI because of excruciating headaches.

(7/12/01)  According to Michael’s family, a more recent check-up shows that Michael’s tumor, which showed signs of shrinkage in a previous check-up, did not shrink any further this time.  The doctors are pondering what it means and what to do next.  He may need radiation treatments.  He’s been getting headaches and has had trouble taking the oral chemo treatments.  If he does need radiation, the family will have to move to Boston for six weeks to be near the treatment center.  The family thanks everyone who is praying.