Obama Asks Americans to Cancel 9/11 Tributes that would Offend Muslims-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Claims that President Obama has asked Americans to not hold 9/11 tributes to avoid offending Muslim protesters have gone viral.
The Truth:
False claims about Obama canceling 9/11 tributes came from a fake news website.
The story appeared at Departed under the headline “Obama Asks Americans Not to Hold 9/11 Victim Tribute Because Muslim Protestors Being ‘Offended’” that was quickly shared more than 18,000 times on social media.
Taken out of context, some believed that Obama had actually asked Americans to cancel tributes to 9/11 victims. However, Departed publishes reader-submitted stories that aren’t fact-checked and often report fake news with a conservative slant.
There’s no truth to these reports, and Obama has participated in 9/11 memorial ceremonies and victim tributes every year to mark the anniversary. Click here to review the remarks Obama delivered at the Pentagon to mark the anniversary of 9/11 in 2015.