President Obama Refused to Sign Eagle Scout Certificates-Fiction!

President Obama Refused to Sign Eagle Scout Certificates-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:

This is a forwarded email that says President Obama does not support the Boy Scouts and refuses to sign the certificates for those who achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.   The email also says that the President refused to sign the Life Saving Award certificates. 

The Truth:

A spokesperson from the public affairs office of the National Council for Boy Scouts of America told that this is fiction. President Obama’s signature appears on the Eagle award, in addition to the signatures of the National President of the Boy Scouts of America, National Commissioner, and the Chief Scout Executive.  All those who have worked to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout have been presented certificates signed by the President of the United States.

The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest achievement that can be earned by a member of the Boy Scouts of America organization which is currently celebrating 100 years of service to local communities.  Scouts usually begin at the age of 11 and work from the rank of Tenderfoot to First Class.  Many pursue higher levels of advancement such as Star, Life and Eagle by working for merit badges through a system of personal qualification standards on various subjects.  An Eagle Scout must complete all levels of advancement, earn 21 merit badges and hold an elected position of leadership.

The spokesperson also told that there was a delay in the signed certificates owing to the process of the licensing application for the presidential signature, which is common when a new President takes office.  Sitting Presidents have been the honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America and President Obama accepted this honor last year soon after he moved to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

The spokesperson added that the President’s signature has never appeared on the lifesaving award.  The certificate only contains the signature of the National President of the BSA, Chairman, National Court of Honor, and the Chief Scout Executive.

updated 04/01/10