Osama Bin Laden is Alive and Well, Living in Bahamas-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Edward Snowden has leaked documents that prove Osama Bin Laden is “alive and well” and now lives in the Bahamas.
The Truth:
A fake news website started this hoax.
World News Daily Report (falsely) reported that Edward Snowden has obtained documents that prove Osama Bin Laden is alive and on the CIA’s payroll:
Snowden, who lives as a fugitive in Russia after leaking documents about the NSA’s surveillance programs has made some previously unreported allegations about the famous terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, during an interview with the Moscow Tribune.
According to him, not only is Bin Laden still alive, but he is living a lavish lifestyle in the Bahamas, thanks to regular payments from the CIA.
“I have documents showing that Bin Laden is still on the CIA’s payroll,” claims Edward Snowden. “He is still receiving more than $100,000 a month, which are being transferred through some front businesses and organizations, directly to his Nassau bank account. I am not certain where he is now, but in 2013, he was living quietly in his villa with five of his wives and many children.”
Within days, the false report had been shared more than 20,000 times on social media sites. But according to the website’s disclaimer, it assumes “all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content.”