Peter Ticktin on Donald Trump-Authorship Confirmed!
Summary of eRumor:
Peter Ticktin, a man who claims to have attended high school with Donald Trump at the New York Military Academy, wrote a long essay in which he defended Trump as “not evil.”
The Truth:
Peter Ticktin is a former high school classmate of Donald Trump, and he did in fact write this essay defending his former classmate.
Peter Tickten posted his essay on Donald Trump on his Facebook page on March 4. Within a week, it had been shared nearly 60,000 times by those who believe that Trump has been inaccurately portrayed by the media as something that he’s not:
Like Donald Trump, I attended New York Military Academy (“NYMA”) for high school. In fact, in our senior year, together, Donald was my captain, and I was his 1st Platoon Sergeant. I sometimes joke that I ran his first company for him, Company “A.”
People don’t really change much from the ages of 17 and 18, and I know this guy. I know him to be a good decent guy. We lived and breathed an Honor Code in those years. It wasn’t just a rule. It was our way of life. Neither Donald, nor any other cadet who graduated with us would ever lie, cheat, or steal from a fellow cadet. These values became irreversibly intertwined in the fabric of our personalities, of who we are.
Of the 99 guys (no girls in those days) in our class, there is not one who I know who has a bad word to say about Donald Trump. Think of it. With all the jealousies which arise in high school and thereafter, with all the potential envy, not one of us has anything other than positive memories of this man. How could we? He was an “A” student, a top athlete, and as a leader, he was highly respected. We never feared him, yet we never wanted to disappoint him. He had our respect. He was never a bigot in any way, shape or form. He only hates those who hate. Of course he denounces the KKK.
We can’t vouch for Peter Tickten’s personal views on Donald Trump, but we can confirm details about his history with Trump. The essay appeared on his personal Facebook page, and he has made a number of comments about it since:
And we can also confirm that both Peter Ticktin and Donald Trump graduated from the New York Military Academy in 1964.