A Prayer Request and Email Chain For a Cancer Patient named Nick Doize- Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a prayer request for Nick Doize of Katy, Texas who is suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The email also requests readers add their names to a list at the bottom and forward it to friends. It also instructs that when the list reaches 1000 names to email it to the originator.
The Truth:
Nick Doize is a cancer patient and has been fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia since February 2006. Doize was fourteen at the time of his diagnosis. As of September 28, 2009 Doize is still battling the disease, according to the Dallas Texans soccer team. The team has been sponsoring events and auctions to help raise funds for his treatment. Doctors at M.D. Anderson Cancer hospital in the Houston area are exploring the possibility of a second bone marrow transplant for Doize.
The Athletes for Hope organization, hosted a special “Nick Doize 6 v 6 Invitational Soccer Tournament” which was held on Saturday June 16th 2007 in Houston that raised nearly $18,000 for the young cancer patient. Click for Athletes for Hope site.
The email chain request is a grass roots campaign.
Updated 10/21/09