President Trump Impeachment Process Has Begun-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Reports claim the process to impeach President Trump has already began.
The Truth:
A misleading headline is behind false reports that the impeachment process of President Trump has already begun.
The website filed the report on February 15, 2017, under the headline, “Donald Trump Impeachment Process Begins – FEC Paperwork Filed – Tantrum Imminent.” However, a quick read of the article reveals that it has nothing do with the impeachment process beginning for Trump — rather, it references paperwork for a political action committee (PAC) called “Impeach Trump.”
The article begins by detailing pro-Russian views of GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of California that could make his re-election bid a challenge in 2018 given the current political climate. A potential challenger for Rohrabacher’s seat has already filed paperwork for a PAC named “Impeach Trump,” according to the report:
Boyd Roberts, a Democrat in California, has officially registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to run gainst Rohrabacher, and he has an interesting plan to do so.
Roberts has submitted the required paperwork to the FEC to establish an “Impeach Trump” leadership political action committee (PAC). The PAC is meant to raise money, which will be donated to help candidates and lawmakers. Based on the paperwork, however, his own campaign is the only beneficiary of it at this time.
This method however is perhaps ingenious given that he will need a fair amount of campaign money, and there is certainly a good subsection of the American population who want to see an end to ‘President’ Trump.
That’s the only reference to President Trump’s impeachment process in the article, which makes its headline misleading and/or inaccurate. It’s possible that the misleading headline was intentionally placed on the story as “clickbait” to lure readers into reading it. In reality, the GOP-controlled Congress had shown no interest in beginning the impeachment process for President Trump by mid-February 2017. Claims otherwise are “fiction.”