Forward Emails to Help Pay For Cancer Treatment for 10-year-old Rachel-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A 29 year old father who identifies himself as George Arlington says that AOL and ZD-net will give 32 cents toward medical care for his cancer-stricken daughter for every three emails a person forwards to other people.
The Truth:
This is a hoax. No one named George Arlington with a daughter named Rachel with cancer has been found and there is no way of tracking forwarded emails in this way for purposes of paying out money.
There is a more recent version (Nov, 01) that has a picture of a baby attached with a decorative blue ribbon around the baby’s neck with a tag that says “From God.”
The picture is usually in a Word for Windows document named leikaemi_.doc.
Another version combines this story with another eRumor, an inspirational poem titled “To My Child.”
A variation of this version claims that the family lives in Zimbabwe in Africa.
updated 04/02/02