Sarah Palin: Native Americans Should Go Back to Nativia-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Sarah Palin said that Native Americans should go back to their homeland, Nativia.
The Truth:
A fake news website started this hoax.
The Daily Currant reported that Sarah Palin voiced support for Donald Trump’s immigration policies, and added that Native Americans should “go back to Nativia” during a Fox News appearance:
“Well I think they should go back to Nativia or wherever they came from,” Palin replied — as the show’s co-hosts sat in stunned silence.
“The liberal media treats Native Americans like they’re gods. As if they just have some sort of automatic right to be in this country. But I say if they can’t learn to get off those horses and start speaking American – then they should be sent home too.”
The fake news story was quickly nearly 600,000 on Facebook, and many users commented as though Sarah Palin had actually made those statements.
But the Daily Currant identifies itself as a satirical newspaper that covers politics, business, technology, entertainment, science health and media:
Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world.
The story is very similar to an earlier (false) report that Sarah Palin had called Alaska’s “foreigners.”