Congresswoman Said U.S. Constitution is 400 Years Old-Truth!

Congresswoman Said U.S. Constitution is 400 Years Old-Truth!

Summary of eRumor:
Twitter Tweets and emails have gone viral alleging that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee said that the U.S. Constitution is 400 years old.

The Truth:
This is true according to an article with video posted on the Daily Caller on March 12, 2014.
Jackson (D-TX) was speaking on the House floor on March 12th and “
the Texas Democrat referenced the beginning of the country and said: ‘We have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not.’”
This one went viral on the Internet after Jackson Lee’s comments were sent out on Twitter by GOP Hill aide Ellen Carmichael.

Jackson overshot the age of the U.S. Constitution by 174 years.  When she made the remark it was 226 years old.
Posted 03/13/14