Dr. Rafael Espinanzo Confirms That Michelle Obama is a Man-Fiction!
A website known for publishing fabricated reports is behind false rumors that Dr. Rafael Espinanzo has confirmed that Michelle Obama is actually a man.
A website known for publishing fabricated reports is behind false rumors that Dr. Rafael Espinanzo has confirmed that Michelle Obama is actually a man.
A satirical website is behind reports that President Obama ordered Harvard to reverse its decision to suspend Malia Obama pending drug charges.
Malia Obama was not fired from an internship at the Spanish Embassy in June 2017 — her internship was scheduled to end a year earlier, in 2016.
A fake news website is behind false reports that President Obama has submitted plans for a burial plot that will cost taxpayers $120 million.
Unproven claims that President Obama was paid $3.2 million to deliver a speech on climate change in Milan stem from one unsourced report.
A fake news website is behind false reports that Malia Obama was arrested in Chicago in May 2017.
Malia Obama wasn’t expelled from Harvard for smoking marijuana, a known fake news website is behind those false reports.