‘Supreme Court Can Extend Trump’s Term By Up To 3 Years If He’s Acquitted In The Senate’ Facebook Share
A known purveyor of phony news articles put out a story about a purported impeachment clause that was shared thousands of times.
A known purveyor of phony news articles put out a story about a purported impeachment clause that was shared thousands of times.
If a social media post’s claim that the New York City coroner who attended the high-profile pedophile’s death sounds made up, that’s because it is.
Despite fears of “deepfake” videos and other high-tech ways disinformation could potentially proliferate in the very near future, the stories that still get the most traction are often decidedly low effort. Take, for example, the case of a May 2019 story with the provocative headline “Panel of 16 Judges Agrees: Barr Has Enough to Indict Clinton …
Have Arrest Warrants Been Issued for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? Read More »