Tamara Martin has cancer and forwarding an email will help her-Fiction!

Tamara Martin is Dying of Cancer and Forwarding an Email Will Get Financial Support for Her Care-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:  
This says it has been forwarded by a person who has compassion for a girl who is dying of cancer.  It alleges that the American Cancer Society is donating 6 cents for the girl’s treatment for every email that is forwarded about her story.  Then there is a short note which says it is from “Tamara Martin,” the cancer victim herself.

The Truth:
Whether Tamara Martin exists and has cancer, we can’t confirm, but the email is false and circulating it won’t help anyone.  The American Cancer Society has told TruthOrFiction.com that it does not participate in any fund-raising efforts involving forwarded emails and there isn’t any way for an organization to track the hundreds of emails that would get forwarded anyway.
This email is a collection of bits and pieces of a couple of other messages making the rounds right now that are also false fund-raising appeals for children with cancer.