Petition for Zimbabwe women-Fiction!

Signing An Email Petition Will Help Women in Zimbabwe-Fiction!



Summary of eRumor:

This email summarizes some of the horrible conditions that women face in Zimbabwe and encourages recipients to add their names to the bottom of the email as a petition calling for better treatment for them.  It then asks that when there are 300 names, the email should be sent to an email address at Brandeis University.

The Truth:

Many African women face deplorable conditions, but this email will not help them.  It is a revised version of an email that is being circulated about conditions for women in Afghanistan.  The “statement” of declaration is the same as in the email about Afghan women.  The email address the finished petition is supposed to be sent to, however, is not operating.  That email address belonged to a person at Brandeis University who received the petition about women in Afghanistan and passed it along to people on her email list.  After that, the email was circulated as though coming from her and as though sending the petitions to her would help the cause.  She had nothing to do with efforts about Afghanistan, however, and does not have anything to do with efforts to help women in Zimbabwe.