2014 federal tax refunds will be delayed until October 2015 – Satire!
Summary of eRumor:
A report that 2014 federal tax refunds will be delayed until October 2015 has sparked concern among taxpayers across the Web.
The Truth:
There’s no truth to the claim that taxpayers can expect their 2014 federal tax refunds to be delivered in October 2015.
An article published by the National Report on September 29, 2014, warned that taxpayers who normally file their federal taxes in early February would have to wait an extra seven months to receive their tax refunds.
The National Report is a “news and political satire web publication” and “all news articles contained within the National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news,” according to the website’s disclaimer.
Like many works of satire, this one is loosely based in fact. The IRS issued a press release in October 2013 that announced early tax filers would have to wait “an extra week or two” to receive their tax refunds because of the 16-day government shutdown.
The IRS hasn’t issued any delay notices for 2014 federal tax returns.
Posted 10/02/14