Vintage Union Christmas Cartoon
A December 2022 Imgur post featured what appeared to be a vintage Christmas cartoon advocating for unions.
A December 2022 Imgur post featured what appeared to be a vintage Christmas cartoon advocating for unions.
Dr. Ashish Jha contradicted himself in a December 2022 chat with a Philadelphia newspaper.
In December 2022, Musk tweeted about an incident involving a car and a “crazy stalker,” using the claim to justify Twitter censorship.
A screenshot of an alleged Twitter exchange involving Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi spread on social media in December 2022.
Twitter’s new chief executive officer Elon Musk met up with Jared Kushner at the World Cup in Qatar in December 2022.
A New Zealand church says it’s been getting “beef” over a Biblical hymn of praise.
The New York Times‘s December 18 2022 crossword resembled a swastika — and not for the first time.
Clinical experts have long questioned the idea that fentanyl blown by the wind can be harmful.
Hairstylists on TikTok and Facebook are promoting the concept of an “angel cut with layers” as a way to combat domestic violence and human trafficking.
Video purportedly depicting the “first ever snowball fight” went viral (again) in December 2022.