Get 5,000 Kroger Fuel Points on Social Media-Scam!

Get 5,000 Kroger Fuel Points on Social Media-Scam! 

Summary of eRumor:
Facebook users were promised 5,000 Kroger fuel points for liking and sharing a post.
The Truth:
A fake offer for 5,000 Kroger fuel points that surfaced in July 2017 is nothing more than a like-farming scam.
After clicking on a post promising 5,000 Kroger fuel points, Facebook users are redirected to a third-party site where they’re asked a few brief questions about their shopping experiences at Kroger.
After answering the questions, users are then told to “like” the original post and comment “thanks” in order to redeem the 5,000 Kroger fuel points (or $50 Kroger gift card, depending on the version).

kroger 5,000 fuel points
A fake offer for 5,000 Kroger fuel points is part of a like-farming scam on Facebook.

The website,, is not affiliated with Kroger. The domain was registered in July 2017, just days before the fake offer went viral, according to online records.
These types of like-farming scams are common. People are promised free products or services for liking and sharing a Facebook page. However, these scammers aren’t in any way affiliated with the companies they claim to represent, and then they’re able to sell the Facebook page for profit because of the inflated visibility it has from all of those likes and comments.
Always make sure that social media offers come from official company pages, and never provide your personal information to a company over social media to avoid being a victim of a scam.