Women in Afghanistan, a petition to help them-Fiction!

Petition for Protesting Human Rights Abuses against Women in Afghanistan-Outdated!

Summary of eRumor:
This email outlined some of the horrific conditions for women in the country of Afghanistan and asked that you add your name to the bottom of the email, then send it to a person at Brandeis University to help the women.
The Truth:
With the fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the intensity of this campaign has eased a bit.  Under the harsh and abusive policies of the Islamic extremists, the human rights abuses of women in Afghanistan were very real.
Someone who was concerned about the plight of Afghan women started an email petition asking that others add their names.  We don’t know who originated the campaign or what they intended to do with the petition, but the most widely circulated version asked that it be returned to the email address of a woman at Brandeis University.
That was the email address of an ordinary individual who was concerned about the women of Afghanistan and forwarded an email she received to others.  Somehow that mushroomed into a chain letter that has spread around the world and produced hundreds of thousands of letters to her email address.  It is no longer a working address and it was futile to send your protest there.
Last updated 11/17/01