The Boy Who Was Saved From an Alligator-Because His Mom Would Not Let Go–Unproven!
Summary of eRumor:
A little boy went swimming one afternoon in a lake next to his home in Florida. His mom was watching from her window and saw an alligator swimming for the boy. She got to the dock just in time to grab her son by the arms, but the alligator grabbed him by the legs. She tugged on one end while the alligator tugged on the other until a farmer heard their screams and shot the alligator. The little boy survived and later told a newspaper reporter that in addition to the scars on his legs from the alligator, he had scars on his arms because his mother would not let go. The email uses the story as an illustration of the fact that God will not let go of us, even though there sometimes may be scars from what we’ve gone through.
The Truth: has found no source for this story or any evidence that it is real.