Ancient Army Found at the Bottom of the Red Sea-Fiction!

Ancient Army Found at the Bottom of the Red Sea-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:

The remains of a large, ancient Egyptian army were found at the bottom of the Red Sea.

The Truth:

This hoax was started by a fake news report that was published by a satirical website.

World News Daily Report falsely reported that the remains of a large Egyptian army from the 14th century BC were found at the bottom of the Red Sea. The report was quickly shared nearly 200,000 times on Facebook.

The website’s disclaimer states that all its articles “are fiction, and presumably fake news.”

The eRumor claimed that the size of the ancient army and the dramatic way that the soldiers were killed corroborated “the biblical version of the Red Sea Crossing, when the army of the Egyptian Pharaoh was destroyed by the returning waters that Moses had parted.”

The eRumor claimed that Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader led the expedition on behalf of Cairo University’s Faculty of Archaeology. But that name doesn’t appear in an online database of Cairo University scholars.

The article also shows a picture of an Egyptian khopesh and claims that the blade was found near a “richly decorated chariot” at the bottom of the Red Sea. However, the photo was taken from a wiki page called Deadliest Fiction. previously investigated more credible reports that Egyptian chariot wheels had been found at the bottom of the Red Sea. Click HERE to read the story.

Posted  11/05/14