Anthony Bourdain Had Information on Hillary Clinton, Sex Trafficking Ring Before His Death-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Before Anthony Bourdain’s death from an apparent suicide, he was ready to expose information on Hillary Clinton and a child sex trafficking ring.
The Truth:
Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain died of an apparent suicide in France on June 8, 2018. Fringe websites immediately attempted to connect his untimely death to Hillary Clinton, but there’s no evidence to support that.
In the hours after Anthony Bourdain’s death, countless fringe websites published article claiming that he was ready to come forward with information on the Clintons and a child sex trafficking ring. One popular version appearing at True Pundit used unrelated tweets from Bourdain to make the case. The tweets were held up as proof that Bourdain had become the latest victim in the decades-long “Clinton body count” conspiracy theory.
But that tweet was taken out of context. Bourdain tweeted regularly about the #MeToo movement. In a thread from October 2017, he was critical of her response to allegations against Harvey Weinstein. But additional tweets from Bourdain add more context about how he felt about Clinton:
Another Bourdain tweet from May 2, 2018, was cited as proof that he had “dirt” on the Clintons. He tweeted, “…and I am in no way an HRC fan. I’ve been on the receiving end of her operatives wrath. And it ain’t fun.” However, Bourdain tweeted that in response to someone accusing him of being an crony for the Clintons after Bourdain tweeted about the legal woes of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.
No evidence has been provided to support claims that Bourdain’s death was anything but a tragic suicide. Earlier tweets that have been used to suggest otherwise were taken out of context. That’s why we’re calling this one “fiction.”